Thursday, October 29, 2015

26 Weeks!

Last week, I ended with "How did we get here so quickly?" This week, I start with, "Shit, only 26 weeks???!!!!" This week, time seemed to stand still!

Random Thoughts from This Week: Screw you, full-moon-end-of-the-quarter-halloween-attitudes that have been in oversupply among my students. Ayeyeye, they are crabby!
Maternity clothes? That would be a resounding YES.
Weight gain? Most likely. Tonight, I had spaghetti, followed by some macaroni and cheese that my kids left out. At this point, I have had two children and have, eventually, managed to get back down to a decent weight. This is not my first rodeo, so although I'm still careful with what I eat, I'm also not being psychotic about it.
Stretch marks? Nope!
Best moment this week? Our bathroom is almost complete! As of right now, Eric is laying tile! The walls are painted! The faucet on the bathtub runs! The toilet will be installed on Saturday! The washer and dryer will arrive and be installed on Saturday! We get to go pick out a counter top at one of Eric's tile stores that he uses! Our vanities are here! WE ARE ALMOST DONE WITH PHASE 1. Thank you, Jesus. It will be interesting to see if we actually get the kitchen done when we say we're going to... i.e. before E3 comes cruising into this world!
Worst moment this week? Catherine. Holy moly. Teething. Growing. Tired. Constantly hungry. Poor thing has had a tough week. Mom has had a tough week with her.
Miss anything? As I was cuddling Catherine, since she is very much a cuddler, It was difficult to do. She likes to snuggle in, her back to my front, and she can't do that since E3 is in the way. So we have had to adjust and I don't like it. :(
Movement? Yep! Loves to move all over the place, particularly between 9:30 and 10:30 p.m. when I am trying to get to sleep.
Food cravings? Still spicy mac and cheese! Honestly, anything spicy or carb-y, I thoroughly enjoy. Soooo different from Catherine, but soooooo similar to James! Crazy!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope!
What pissed you off this week? Probably a dozen people asked me this week, "When are you due again?" Yeah, people, I know. I'm big. It's because it's my THIRD CHILD in almost as many years. Jesus. 

I can see the third trimester on the horizon! 

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